Stacks and Joules’ Mission
Building automation jobs empower individuals from the urban areas most likely to be the first to experience the effects of carbon pollution and global warming to do something about it.
Stacks+Joules is a nonprofit project-based learning program in computer programming and wireless network management. Their specialized curriculum engages young peoples’ creativity to supercharge their strengths as learners and get them on the fast-track to valuable technology skills—regardless of prior experience or training.
In their program, students gain mastery of rigorous technical skills and concepts vital to jobs in commercial energy efficiency. The arc to permanent employment, on-the-job training and benefits like tuition assistance is remarkably short in this industry due to exceptional demand for qualified talent. Stacks+Joules also provides on-going support for graduates with internship and job placement. Once they’re in the industry, they facilitate career development guidance and mentorship from established building automation professionals.
Student Demos
On Wednesday, May 24th, Stacks+Joules and Henry Street Settlement co-hosted a demo and networking session that provided employers a first-hand way to get to know recent graduates of Stacks+Joules’ building automation and energy management program. NYCETC was honored to have a chance to hear from students first-hand about their work and career interests. In an impressive display, recent graduates showed off their knowledge of wireless LED lighting, heating and HVAC systems.

Stacks+Joules graduates present their work at a recent demo event at Henry Street Settlement.

A laptop with Python coding written by Latyana and teammates that wirelessly controls a panel of six lights.
One graduate, Latyana showed the coding they wrote to control a set of six LED lights to change color and flash to the beat of music. Practical applications for this technology are probably ones you are familiar with — most notably, the colored lights on the Empire State Building. Also, in energy efficient buildings, you’ve probably noticed similar applications of this technology when energy efficient lights turn on and off automatically dependent on whether there are people in the space. Latyana, a House Manager for the Abrons Art Center, in addition to being a Sheet Metal Worker apprentice for Local 28, heard about the Stacks+Joules program through Henry Street Settlement. The Stacks+Joules program interested Latyana because it built-up a completely new set of skills, but was still related to their background in construction.
Congrats to the graduates and to Stack+Joules and Henry Street Settlement for their continued partnership. Learn more about getting involved as a student, educator, or professional here.

Latyana with their signature Stacks+Joules graduation cap.