Author: Stephanie Birmingham


DYCD Invites Feedback on Learn & Earn and Train & Earn

The NYC Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) is excited to release their Learn & Earn* and Train & Earn concept papers to obtain feedback that will assist with the development of two upcoming request for proposals. DYCD is responsible for implementing the City’s federally funded Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act youth grant. Funds are […]


Expand and Diversify Apprenticeships

For Workforce Development Month, we will feature our thoughts and analysis on each of the five strategic levers included in the Pathways to an Inclusive Economy: The Future of Workers Task Force Blueprint. Our first feature focuses on Lever: Expand and Diversify Apprenticeships. Check your inbox each Friday for the next feature. What it is […]


A Conversation with Diallo Shabazz on Apprenticeships

This interview covers the Future of Workers Task Force Blueprint’s “Expand and Diversify Apprenticeships” lever.


Rally in support of expanding TPS

1010 WINS includes Greg Morris speaking in support of work authorization for new arrivals.