Author: Stephanie Birmingham


Notes on the FY24 New York City Budget

Among the approximately $107 billion in spending in the FY24 budget, there are some funding commitments that add capacity to current workforce development programs and advance the system-building agenda articulated in the just-released Pathways to an Inclusive Economy: Future of Workers Task Force Blueprint. The additions are strongly oriented toward serving students and young adults, continuing the […]


Tech Bridge Summit & Funding Opportunity

On Wednesday, June 28th, NYCETC with the support of Google hosted a Tech Bridge Summit at the Google Learning Hub with more than 40 attendees including public and private partners, funders, talent development and training organizations, and many of the key intermediaries. The summit represented a step toward two goals:  New York City’s tech ecosystem […]


Major Cuts To Rikers Re-Entry Services

Gregory J. Morris, CEO of the New York City Employment & Training Coalition joins Open Tuesday host Kibin Alleyne to discuss the massive cuts to workforce development, specifically with re-entry programs for the formerly incarcerated.


Advocates raise concerns over budget cuts to Rikers educational services

Greg Morris, the CEO of the New York City Employment and Training Coalition, joined NY1 political anchor Errol Louis on “Inside City Hall” to discuss the budget.


Conversation about the #JustPay Campaign for Human Services with Michelle Jackson

This week, Gregory J Morris, CEO of NYCETC sat down with Michelle Jackson, Executive Director of the Human Services Council for a conversation on what #JustPay means for human services workers and the field. [This interview was edited and condensed.] Editor’s note: This feature was originally included in NYCETC’s NYC Workforce Weekly newsletter, which is […]


Pride at Work

June is Pride month. Pride is a month-long celebration of advocacy, liberation and self-expression for the LGBTQIA+ community. In 1970 the initial Pride celebrations were started to commemorate the Stonewall Uprising of 1969, charting a path forward that centered equity.  Similarly in 2023, Pride marks a time to uplift diverse voices, celebrate a vibrant culture […]


Abby Jo Sigal on the Future of Workers Task Force Blueprint

Gregory J Morris, CEO of NYCETC sat down with Abby Jo Sigal, Executive Director of NYC Talent for a conversation on the Pathways to an Inclusive Economy: The Future of Workers Task Force Blueprint. [This content was edited and condensed.] Editor’s note: This feature was originally included in NYCETC’s NYC Workforce Weekly newsletter, which is delivered free to subscribers’ […]